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今天非凡图库给大家分享的这款3D模型资源名称为:3合1薄纱窗帘3D模型,内容与窗帘3D,3DMAX,3D模型,MAX相关,文件大小为34.25 MB,模型文件格式为MAX。

3dsMax 2014 + fbx (Vray)
34.25 MB
2019.01.12 23:39
curtain, tulle, the cloth, portiere, textile, parquet, pine
Curtains with tulle set 3 in 1

The archive has:

4 thick curtains with 3 different materials (see preview)

semi-transparent tulle
Pine parquet

All textures
MAX 2014 (V-Ray 3.60.03)

retopology done
mapping is done via UNWRAP UVW modifier
Parquet consists of a module of approximately 6 to 8 meters, it is easy to fit in both the length and the width.

Parquet material is made without the use of additional modifiers and plug-ins.

Who works in the V-Ray version is lower than 3.1. Be careful, in the materials in the BRDF section there is a Microfaset GTR (GGX), if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable to you.

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关键词标签: 窗帘3D

所属分类 场景模型


素材大小 34.25 MB

需要积分 0 积分 (VIP免积分) | 开通VIP或充值
